well Bugger!

NOTE: Joe is still catching up with pending work, so we advise to wait until everything is settled.

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Re: well Bugger!

Post by Mellons »

Did this myself a while back- take plenty of pain killers.
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Re: well Bugger!

Post by Mellons »

And beer
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Re: well Bugger!

Post by Alou »

Well a good friend who is neurologist tells me that if you take many pain killers the nerves get adjusted to the active ingredient and they stop working so use them wisely.On the other hand i can understand that pains like that are unbearable some times.i once fell in stairs from water spill down to 2 floors,thank GOD nothing broken but the pain was unbearable for almost 4-5 days.

So get well soon !!
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Re: well Bugger!

Post by Mellons »

There are also physio exercises you can do once pain under control - get good advice and stay away from quacks! If physio doesn't alleviate symptoms get
Mri and consultant involved (medics can chime in)
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Re: well Bugger!

Post by gbreezy »

Sorry to hear about that, it sounds terrible. I hope you find something to help with the pain and feel better soon!
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Re: well Bugger!

Post by Vonn »

Go see a ostheopath, in addition a trained physiotherapist and if you’re all in for traditional treatment a chiropractic. Stay away from the „healer“ ones and stick to guys treating pro-sport people.
In my experience the first two help a lot more than the third who will often just prescribe Pain killers and maybe recommend operational treatment.
It is important to start proper treatment ASAP.
For future try adding a little Yoga to your Routine. It greatly reduces the chances of Prolapses and such.
Get well soon!
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Re: well Bugger!

Post by leeyewfei »

Joe, if the pain is still persisting I suggest you do an MRI scan on your lower back.

PS. My back has not fully recovered from my infection earlier in the year. i still have lower back pains.
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Re: well Bugger!

Post by neckyzips »

thanks guys!
for the first two months due to the covid restrictions i had no access to my doctor other than the face time visits. went through the normal steroids etc to try and reduce the swelling. once the offices opened up for electives... i had the MRI and so far 3 CT scans, 3 dead lumbar disks. went through the second round of steroids then the epidermal steroid shot (not fun) nothing touched it. my doc washed his hands of it, sent me to PT while waiting on two consultations with a surgeon and pain management guys. i do a regiment of light yoga, very light, mostly stretches and nerve glides etc. and have been self tapering the pain meds. other than the benefit of not eating narcotics getting some time off the meds helps my focus, its almost impossible to do my work high! it has been incredibly frustrating! but i have gone from being flat for two solid months to now up several hours a day! the pain is still present of course and my back has a sickening grinding feeling when i move. really pisses me off! i had just gotten the shop sorted, trying to catch up on projects, etc.

some good news though! right before all this started i completely rebuilt my biggest lathe which isn't all that big really, and just barely adequate with lots of patience to make the larger parts. turned it on and it has no torque! bought another motor, same issue. i suppose the control box is bad. so as always i am looking for tools, i found a nice Cincinnati 12 1/2 hydrashift! about the largest lathe that will fit in the shop! re enforced the floor and started the cleaning process and getting the 3 phase converter set up. i am amazed at the workmanship of this old lady, very well thought out and built like a tank! the benefit should be, simple things like punching a hole through a piece of stainless that took all day on the old lathe now should only take an hour or so! not to mention, being able to do that for stock long enough to make 3 or 4 cases not just one at a time! very excited! i can't wait to get going on it!

anyway thanks for the support and suggestions! i understand its frustrating for you guys to have projects and runs of things held up, please bear with me i refuse to let this put me down!
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Re: well Bugger!

Post by Alou »

Its surprising what can happen to you in a "bad" moment!Injuries happen in a second and can take months maybe years to recover!!
I hope you recover soon and as we say in my country in case like these "become from Iron"!!

Take care and be good!
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Re: well Bugger!

Post by Abarth »

Just found this thread, so sorry. My thoughts are with you. Guess you will not be needing that claw foot bathtub at the moment.
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